The Internal Enlargement of the European Union

Publications / 22.6.10
The Internal Enlargement of the European Union

Professors Jordi Matas, Alfonso Gonzalez, Jordi Jaria and Laura Roman make a comparative analysis of  several international law cases of independence of sub-central entities in federal or para-federal states.

Their aim is to forecast the legal consequences for the European Union in the event of secession or dissolution of a one of its member states.

This study is needed because the political dilemmas in some countries could, in the near future, bring to the situation in which the European Institutions would need to confront the Secession or Dissolution of a Member state and the current treaties haven’t foreseen such a situation. That’s why it is of a special importance that we draw the guiding principles of a European answer.

There are also versions of this report in Catalan and and Galician languages, translated respectively by our partners Fundació Josep Irla and Fundación Galiza Sempre.

Also, feel free to watch and share the following short video-clip Unveiling Internal Enlargement, launched by CMC after the publication of the report.

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This publication is financially supported by the European Parliament. The European Parliament is not liable for the content of the book or the opinions of the authors.

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